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Latest Posts
Carnegie Hall Data Lab: First Year in Review
The Carnegie Hall Data Lab launched one year ago, on January 31, 2020.
PHS Hits 50K Events! and How We Got Here
The CH Data Lab has been quiet – but behind the scenes we’ve been busy! In September, the Carnegie Hall Performance History Search finally hit the data milestone...
Top 25 Works: A Look at Shifting Musical Tastes
Our recent experiment – a simple list of the top 25 works in Carnegie Hall’s history – provides a 10,000-foot summary of which works have been performed most...
Musical Genres: Use, Questions, and Challenges
Recently we looked at genre and how it is used and applied to Carnegie Hall’s performance history data. With data visualizations in mind, Rob Hudson (Manager, Archives) created a
LODLAM 2020 Summit Recap
The first week of February I had the pleasure and the honor of attending the Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives and Museums (LODLAM) 2020 Summit at the Getty Center...
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